In Germany you can buy it for 40-85€ at (affiliate link). That is if you can find one, it was sold for only a short period of time so it is quite rare and it’s successor the Pentax SMC M 3.5/28 isn’t as good. If you consider the very good performance the lens offers a great value. It delivers surprisingly good performance in a small package. The Pentax SMC K 3.5/28 doesn’t have any real weakness. Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/11 | full resolution Conclusion The Pentax K 3.5/28 has only 5 aperture blades which result in reasonably well defined sunstars. Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/8 | full resolution Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/8 | full resolution Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/8 The Pentax is even better than the Zeiss Distagon 2.8/28 in this regard. I didn’t know that a 40 years old lens could be that flare resistant. What surprised me the most was the truly exceptional flare resistances and very high contrast. Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/8 | full resolution Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/8 | full resolution Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/8 | full resolution CA correction is exceptional (better than the Zeiss Distagon 2.8/28). There is some field curvature but of the good kind where the corners are focused in front of the center. Stopped down to f/8 it is very sharp across the frame. Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/8 | full resolution At shorter distances you get decent bokeh and good sharpness from f/3.5. Optically it leaves little to be desired. Only the reversed travel direction of the focusing ring is a bit bothersome for me who is used to Minolta SR/ Canon FD/ Zeiss C/Y lenses. It is also quite small so handling is very pleasant. The lens is very well built with very low tolerances and an all metal housing. The Pentax 3.5/28 is my favorite wideangle lens at the moment. The corners are still a bit hazy.į/8: Very good sharpness across the frame.į/11: A little softer in the center due to diffraction. The corners are a bit softer and somewhat hazy.į/5.6: Excellent to very good in the center and midframe region with very good contrast. You can find the full resolution test images in the Pentax SMC 3.5/28 flickr album.į/3.5: Good sharpness across the frame with moderate contrast. There is also a M version which is smaller but, from the reports I have read, not on the same levels optically. Sample images Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/11 | full resolution Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/11 | full resolution Sony a7 | Pentax SMC K 1:3.5/28 | f/3.5 | full resolution The Pentax K SMC 1:3.5/28 usually sells for around $45-90 at (affiliate link). Read on if you want to know why I like it so much on my 24MP fullframe Sony a7. The Pentax is a rather small and affordable 28mm lens and Pentax had a reputation for their very effective coatings.