Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Contemporary poetry.
The 2,000 most common words in contemporary poetry can be found here: This lumps regular lemmas of the same word together, unlike most of these lists.
Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Contemporary fiction in 60 categories. The 2,000 most common words in contemporary fiction can be found here divided into 60 subject categories. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/Contemporary fiction. The 2,000 most common words in contemporary fiction can be found here: Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/201-90000. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/201-80000. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/201-70000. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/201-60000. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/201-50000. The list divided by thousand words: 1-1000. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/201-40000. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/201-30000. Wiktionary:Frequency lists/PG/201-20000. If you do, please add an interwiki link onto the page here. These wikified terms can be copied to other language wiktionaries this is what they are intended for. Here are the top 100 words from Project Gutenberg texts in alphabetical order: Also, with 24,000+ books, the text of the boilerplate warning for Project Gutenberg appears on each of them. For example, " thy" is listed as the 280th most common word. Many Project Gutenberg books are scanned once their copyright expires, typically book editions published before 1923, so the language does not necessarily always represent current usage. These are mostly English words, with some other languages finding representation to a lesser extent. The list of books was downloaded in July 2005, and " rsynced" monthly thereafter. These lists are the most frequent words, when performing a simple, straight (obvious) frequency count of all the books found on Project Gutenberg. 5000 frequency dictionary based on all episodes of The Simpsons. The rest were used 5 or fewer times each. Here are the top hundred words (from TV scripts) in alphabetical order: Here's a fuller explanation of how the list was generated and its limitations: Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/explanation. Here are frequency lists comparable to the Gutenberg ones, but based on 29,213,800 words from TV and movie scripts and transcripts. Most common words in TV and movie scripts: 17.1 Frequency lists with English translationĮnglish TV and movie scripts.